Web banners

When working on web banners I follow a similar process for each.

Firstly the brief is given by stakeholders, marketing and producers. Then using brand guidelines, research and experimentation to create solutions, whilst also collaborating with a copywriter and my lead designer. Afterwards the project goes through many rounds of amends via a workflow tool where it gets reviewed and feedback is added. When this is all approved, it is then sent to the quality accessors team for the final checks. At the end of the project I collaborate with developers to prepare the file for build and hand over animation notes via the deck.

Client: Sky Creative


Brief - Xmas sim offer case study

To showcase the Christmas sim offer via web banners for Sky mobile.


I started by researching previous web banners we have done and communicated with producers and marketing to understand what worked well with our customers. I also looked into other companies to see how they offer Chrismas sim offers. 

Some of the main insights found was that our customers liked the use of emojis within communication and limiting frames to keep customers engaged.

The research influenced my design process, as I learned that I needed to experiment and creatively problem-solve with the layout to include all the content in and adapt to a limited number of frames. To help me achieve this I worked from our existing design system where I combined many high-performing projects into one and also contributed by making a Christmas edition of a sim offer that wasn’t done before. I also added in the new components such as the santa emoji and snowflake campaign image into the system.

Outcome mockup

Here is a mockup of the different sizes of the web banner, with the animation notes applied by the developers.


Sky VIP lounge launch


Sky Cinema - Refresh with Summer content


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